A 13-12 loss is a good thing

A 13-12 loss, particularly one where you blew a 12-7 lead in the late-going, should not be a good thing.  It should be exhausting, draining, difficult to stomach.

Getting sick, that's not a good thing.  Not only was I sick, miserably sick, all last week - especially Thursday and Friday, so was the Lugnuts coaching staff and the front office.

Arriving at the ballpark early in the week to discover that the lights didn't work downstairs, that's not a good thing.  Arriving at the ballpark on Opening Day to discover that the lights didn't work upstairs, that's not a good thing.

Having the field thaw on the afternoon of the scheduled first game of the season, turning the infield to marshland and wiping out the entire weekend's worth of planned festivities... that's definitely not a good thing.

So it was that yesterday, a rollercoaster defeat, represented - at last! - a return to meaningful baseball for the Lansing Lugnuts.  That, yes sir, is a very good thing.


ugh I'm so sorry to hear how sick you have been and about the crazy lighting situation! Here's hoping the sun dries out the field and that we have an amazing season!!

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