What can you do in 50 minutes?

If I could choose the games I'd broadcast, it'd go like this:

1)  A walk-off victory in the bottom of the ninth.
2)  A pitcher's duel.  Nothing like a tight 1-1 game into the late innings.
3)  Last night's Lugnuts win.

It was a virtuoso performance last night.  Evan Crawford started and gave up a single and a walk in five shutout innings.  Matt Wright set down six in a row.  Dustin Antolin set down six in a row.  Ballgame.  5-0, Lugnuts win

With everything rounded, the Lugnuts were basically at the plate for 76 minutes while the Silver Hawks' at-bats lasted 50 minutes total.

50 minutes for nine top halves of innings.  Awesome.

Top of the 1st... 5:30
Bottom of the 1st... 3:30
Top 2nd... 4:00
Bot. 2nd... 8:30
Top 3rd... 6:30
Bot. 3rd... 17:00 (Lugnuts scored two runs)
Top 4th... 9:00
Bot. 4th... 4:00
Top 5th... 6:30
Bot. 5th... 18:00 (Lugnuts scored two more runs)
Top 6th... 5:00
Bot 6th... 9:30 (Lugnuts scored one run)
Top 7th... 4:30
Bot. 7th... 5:30
Top 8th... 4:00
Bot. 8th... 10:00
Top 9th... 6:00


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